The State Department of the U.S. has authenticated our organization’s   accreditation under the company registration number 27-2153782.  

Chartered College of Teaching, UK  

International TEFL Training Institute is actively engaged in the work of the Chartered College of Teaching (formerly The College of Teachers) of the U.K., a professional membership body for the teaching profession. It enables iTTi to work with teachers and educators around the world to affect change across the education landscape. Being involved opens an unprecedented opportunity for iTTi to not only help develop the U.K.’s Chartered College of Teaching but also to join them in shaping the future of the teaching profession. Membership info: Professional Affiliate.  

ACTFL – American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages  

International TEFL Training Institute is part of ACTFL—the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. It is an organization concerned with the improvement of language instruction in the U.S. ACTFL sets benchmarks, educates language teachers and unites the creative forces of their members in the pursuit of making U.S. education excellent. In our work, ACTFL has profoundly influenced some of the content creation for our TEFL courses and contributed to making them up to date with new advances in language teaching. It is through our work that ACTFL not only impacts the U.S. but all participating members of our organization in many countries.  Member ID: 192021  


 iTTi’s TEFL Program has been duly validated for credit transfer purposes by the European Global School – Paris, France, through its official academic affiliate, Bangkok School of Management, Thailand. Graduates of our TEFL programs (with onsite teaching practicum) can apply for an accelerated master’s degree program, facilitated by the Bangkok School of Management, with the degree awarded by EGS. The university is accredited by ASIC in the U.K., an accrediting body for international colleges & universities. ASIC itself is accredited by the British Council and the government of the U.K. EGS is also registered with and accredited by the French government to award bachelors’, masters’ and PhD degrees. In the U.S., EGS is registered as European Global University and authenticated by the State Department of International TEFL Training Institute – iTTi Accreditations, Affiliations, Memberships 2019  the U.S. as an international college with the right to award degrees. 


International TEFL Training Institute is member of IATEFL. The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language was founded in the UK in 1967; it now has over 3,500 members in more than 100 countries worldwide. As a member, ITTI is able to develop opportunities for international networking and professional advancement in the EFL field, continuously improve the quality of its  courses and publications, as well as offer a supportive and caring environment thanks to the exchange of information accomplished by the membership in this international organization. IATEFL membership number: 28391  


International TEFL Training Institute is represented through an individual membership (ID #47478992) of one of its  senior corporate officers. NYSTESOL advocates, advances, and enriches TESOL education and professionalism in  the state of New York. It is an association of professionals that concern themselves with the education of all  English language learners in public and private schools of the state. Areas of interest include classroom  practices, research, program and curriculum development, employment, funding, and legislation.  


Our organization is member of NCTE – the Professional Home of the Language Arts Community. NCTE devotes its work toward the improvement of teaching and learning English.  

TESOL Latam  

As part of TESOL Latam, we recognize education as an essential factor in professional success and the key for improvement of teaching English in South America. In 2015, the first TESOL conference was organized in South America, starting a campaign to improve the quality of English instructions all over Latin America. In order to achieve a higher level of English proficiency among the students, TESOL Latam started to heavily promote teacher education  and continuing development.  

We are part of TESOL Latam because Latin American countries face the same problems in the field  of English language teaching and learning as other countries around the world and seek better  results in learners’ English proficiency and teachers’ professional development. As a teacher  training organization, our impact on Latin American teachers is priceless, as we directly contribute to  their overall improvement in teaching English.  


International TEFL Training Institute is institutional member of NATE—The National  Association of the Teaching of English. This organization promotes standards of  excellence in the teaching of English. It supports teachers in their quest to improve  their professional development. It encourages collaboration and sharing between  teachers and learner of English and its related subjects. Â

TESOL International Association: 

The academic director of our TEFL training organization is professional member of TESOL  International Association that aims to deepen respect for the TESOL profession, its practitioners,  and the profession’s student constituency. TESOL’s advocacy program addresses issues that affect  the profession worldwide and offers English language educators the opportunity to get  involved. Membership ID: 256374  

Paris American Academy  

iTTi is part of Paris American Academy, registered by the Académie de Paris,  as a private institution of higher learning under the 12th July, 1875 jurisdiction. Centered less than a kilometer from Notre-Dame cathedral in the  famous Latin quarter, the Academy draws upon Paris’ cultural and artistic  heritage in making the city its campus. Â

TESOL France  

iTTi is the only TEFL/TESOL training organization that operates a successful school in Paris, France. We  are part of TESOL France, an affiliate of TESOL Inc. and IATEFL, a non-profit organization of teachers of  English in France. Its purposes are to stimulate professional development, to disseminate information about research, books and other materials related to English, to strengthen the quality of English  instruction all over France and to inspire research for the benefit. Member ID: 1716 

TESL Canada  

The organization promotes excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional  language in partnership with its constituent provincial and territorial associations, and like-minded  national and international organizations. Â

The goal is to achieve pace-setting results in language, settlement, and refugee programs. The  organization promotes national standards for professional certification and teacher training program  recognition. Working together with TESL Canada allows us to network with provincial and territorial  associations on common goals: promoting ongoing professional development, research and scholarship  in the field of teaching and learning ESL. Through one of our managing directors, International TEFL  Training Institute is represented in this important Canadian organization in the field of teaching English  to speakers of other languages. The membership number is TC101867.